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We are a family of believers who want to live our life in a manner that honors God, loves people and serves the community. We would love to have you find out more about our family.

Prayer Board 
If you would like to add a prayer request or an encouraging word to someone in need use the message board below.

NOTE TO SITE ADMIN: You will need to edit the message board below to activate it. Edit the component and add a Forum such as "Prayer Needs" and/or "Prayer Praises". You can then add a prayer request to the Prayer Needs forum, such as "Pray For Our Website". You can start off with a prayer need such as "Please pray that our web site will be used to grow and strenghten our community's walk with Christ." Visitors can then enter a new prayer need or a reply to your request.

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    The mission of the Colossian Baptist Church; in obedience to God, as a Christ-centered body of believers, we commit to disciple, enable and encourage one another to love, worship and serve our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

    Furthermore, we commit to share the Good News and ourselves with our neighbors in Colossian Baptist Church in the surrounding communities, and throughout the world.

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    © 2017 Colossian Baptist Church
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